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The Greater Angleton Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to safeguarding the privacy and security of the information provided by Customers and other individuals visiting our website.


**Personal Information.**

Visitors typically have the option to browse our website without revealing any personal information. However, there are occasions when we may request details from individuals accessing our site. When personal information is collected, you will be informed, as you will need to fill out a form to provide the requested details. Personal information may include a visitor’s name, address, phone number, and email address. We collect personally identifiable information only if it is voluntarily provided by the Customer or visitor. If you decide not to provide the requested information, you can still use our website, though some features, offers, and services may be inaccessible. The Greater Angleton Chamber of Commerce is committed to fostering a long-term relationship with all our visitors and customers. We will not sell, share, or rent this information to others except as outlined in this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy does not cover information collected through means other than our website.


**Log Files.**

We use log tracking to collect IP addresses from visitors to analyze trends, manage our website, monitor visitor movement, and gather general demographic data to understand what content visitors are interested in. This tracking captures only IP addresses, not personally identifiable information. Visitors remain anonymous in our log files. We use this information solely for internal purposes and do not share it with non-affiliated entities.



A "Cookie" is a small piece of data sent from our server to a visitor’s browser and stored on their hard drive. We use Cookies when a visitor orders a product or registers for a program. Cookies help our website remember the visitor on future visits and allow us to tailor the site to better suit the interests and preferences of our visitors. Visitors can disable Cookies by adjusting their browser settings, though this may limit access to certain features on our website.



Occasionally, visitors may need to complete a registration form to order a product or obtain certain information. During registration, individuals must provide specific details such as their name and email address. This information is used to communicate with individuals about services offered by the Greater Angleton Chamber of Commerce that they have shown interest in. When becoming a member, certain business information will be available for the public to see, this is all dictated by the member and can be changed by the member by logging into their account.


**Becoming a Member**

When signing up to be a member of the Greater Angleton Chamber of Commerce online, we will request specific information from the Customer, including their name, address, phone number, email address, payment details, and any other information necessary to complete the order. This information is used for billing, order fulfillment, account maintenance, and upgrades. When becoming a member, certain business information will be available for the public to see, this is all dictated by the member and can be changed by the member by logging into their account.



Sensitive information, such as credit card numbers or social security numbers, is encrypted and protected through third-party security systems. Access to visitor information is restricted to authorized personnel, including developers, network operations staff, and qualified employees or agents. Our servers that store personally identifiable information are secured. Although we take reasonable steps to protect your information, the Greater Angleton Chamber of Commerce is not responsible for any disclosure of information resulting from transmission errors or unauthorized actions by third parties.


**Marketing Contacts.**

If a visitor opts to subscribe to newsletters or other marketing materials, we will request contact information, such as a street or email address. We may also request additional details to tailor the information we provide. Visitors can opt-out of receiving marketing communications at any time. Each communication will include instructions on how to unsubscribe.


**Sharing of Personal Information.**

Personal information collected is used solely for the business purposes of the Greater Angleton Chamber of Commerce and is not shared with external, non-affiliated entities except as described in this Privacy Policy. We may collaborate with other parties to offer specific services, like billing solutions, which enhance our products and services. When engaging with these services, we share only necessary information. We may also provide personal information to third-party agents we employ to fulfill requests, such as shipping companies. While our agents may access your information, they are prohibited from disclosing it to others.


We may share aggregated, non-personal information with advertisers, partners, sponsors, and other third parties. This data is used to improve our website content and advertising without disclosing any personal information. We may also give your business information that is publicly listed on our website to the public, i.e., a community member needs a phone number to a business.


**Correction/Updating Personal Information.**

If a Customer needs to update or correct personal information, we will assist in making those changes. Customers can update or modify their details by contacting us directly or through our website by logging in to their member portal.


**Notification of Changes.**

Any changes to our Privacy Policy will be posted on our website to inform visitors and customers of the information we collect and how it is used. We will use information only in accordance with the Privacy Policy in effect at the time of collection.



Our website may contain links to other sites. We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of these external sites. We encourage visitors to review the privacy policies of any sites they visit. This Privacy Policy applies only to information collected on our website.


**Policies For Children.**

The Greater Angleton Chamber of Commerce DOES NOT KNOWINGLY COLLECT OR USE ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION FROM VISITORS UNDER 13 YEARS OF AGE. No information should be submitted to our website by individuals under 13, and such individuals are not permitted to register for contests, newsletters, products, or services.


**Special Cases.**

We reserve the right to disclose personal information when necessary to identify, contact, or take legal action against individuals who may be causing harm or interference with our rights, property, other users, or anyone else affected by such activities. Personal information may also be disclosed in response to legal requirements or emergencies.


Specific sections of our website may include additional or different privacy provisions. In the event of a conflict between these provisions and this Privacy Policy, the specific terms will take precedence.



For any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy or our privacy practices, please contact us at our corporate offices or visit our corporate website at

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